Monday, October 31, 2005

Amazing Headwinds

Typical large high pressure moving through the northeast U.S. a few days ago. It really caused some high and low groundspeeds. Here - our PFD (primary flight display) shows a vector arrow showing a 170 knot wind from ahead and from our left. The effective headwind component was appx. 130-140 knots. Great for anything Northeast bound and crappy for anything Southwest bound.


My snot locker - congested and sore. I'm going home to get some much needed rest and take some meds that are verboten in the air. Maybe another septoplasty is in order - I guess that 2 surgeries weren't enough.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Crusin around

Saw some awesome groundspeeds recently so I wanted to pass this one on. I'm in Buffalo,NY tonite; I was repositioned here so that I can fly some trips in and out of Washington, D.C. tomorrow. It should be a quiet day and then off to home for some much needed rest. I am battling a cold and some rest sounds tempting.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Calgary Flames Game

This is a mobile message

Monday, October 03, 2005

A View From Above

This is the view from the cabin into the cockpit. I recently ferried an aircraft from one of our maintenance bases to another airport and ferried another aircraft back. It was a nice opportunity to fly an empty aircraft, which performs much better when empty. It was also a beautiful day for flying, mid 60's, clear blue skies and calm winds.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Chicago is Hazy tonight

This is a shot after taking off from O'Hare this afternoon. You can barely make out the downtown skyline and specifically the Sears Tower which has the tall white antennae. We were at 5000 feet flying eastbound just 3200 feet above the structure. We spent today flying in and out of Chicago's O'Hare as well as Dulles outside of Washington D.C. - it was a long day that started out early and it was another "tough to get out of bed day". ;-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Foggy day in CMH

1/8 mile visibility and no one going anywhere yet this am. Another airline day full of airline delays.

Monday, September 19, 2005

NYC in September

From the south - southwest, looking up the Hudson River, Manhattan on the upper right and The Statue of Liberty in the middle left of the picture

Back to the grindstone II

In line at New York's LaGuardia, waiting for takeoff. Not much to see, just American Airlines' tailpipe and one of the best skylines in the world starting to light up at dusk.

Friday, September 09, 2005

What a gorgeous country we live in. This weekend I am in Jackson Hole, WY for a co-worker's wedding. Just a three hours' drive north is Old Faithful in the Yellowstone National Park. It was gorgeous. On the way up and back, we crossed the continental divide. More pictures to follow.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Painful gas prices

Do u believe it? I use premium and it's 4.15 a gallon locally. Painful. I even drove the speed limit today just to save on gas. Maybe i'll subject the Tahoe to regular for a few weeks.

Catching up

Caught up with a friend tonight. Had a great time.

How about some cliches that hold true:
Sometimes in life we can be so narrow-minded or short-sighted.
Live life to the fullest.
Don't burn bridges.
Life is good.
Don't sweat the small stuff.

We all mistakes in life. Some even involve friends. Mistakes made with friends can be forgiven. Only friends can forgive.

Up coming events

I have to go back to work in 10 days. I have been off for 2.5 months and it's going to be difficult for sure. The attached picture is a pic of the simulator that we use to regain currency and profiency. I have 2 days in the sim, 2 days off and then back to the grind of the skies. I will be on call for a part of the month and I am certainly not looking forward to that stretch of time. I will however be looking forward to making a regular paycheck again. Just in time for the Holiday season.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Home sweet home

Long day of errands. Finally glad to be home. Tahoe update. 1/4 tank of fuel used = 17 bucks! I need a hybrid hummer.

1st mobile msg + pic

Another gorgeous am at 111 PMC

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A shot of the office.